In recent times, most of our day involves mind related activities. Be it in work hours or leisure time screen keeps our brain and eyes engaged all the time. Exhausted mind is the root cause of stress and anxiety. Exploitation of your mind ultimately results in the deterioration of your physical and mental health. Energetic mind lays the foundation for better performance in both the professional and personal life. Here are five simple and effective techniques of yoga to pamper your mind on the go.
5 Easy energizing yoga practices for mind:

Signs of a tiring mind:
Feeling overwhelmed for a creative work
Taking long time than usual for your targets.
Increase in crown temperature
Over thinking
Exploitation of mind leads to:
Decline in performance
Lack of tolerance
Nerve related issues
Head ache
Eye health
Hair fall:
Unsorted and restless mind increases crown and body temperature. The stress developed leads to aging, hair fall and many more issues.
Unattended issues in brain and noisy mind reduces the quality of sleep. Often you will feel tired even after hours of sleep.
Decline in performance:
Exhausted mind takes really long even for a simple mind work. It also creates lethargy in the body. You will face great decline in your creative side.
Lack of tolerance:
You may feel more cranky. Mental fatigue makes you more vulnerable to negative thoughts and emotions.
Exhaustion in the brain leads to more oxygen consumption in the brain cells. Deprivation of oxygen supply makes you feel dizzy and anaemic.
Nerve related issues:
Mind deprived of periodic rest reboot increases stress in the nerves. This may lead to nerve pain and other nerve related issues.
Head ache:
Overthinking mind increases strain in the the crown region and causes head ache. Sleep deprivation, nerve pain, increase in crown temperature also contributes to it.
Eye health:
Exploitation of mind and eyes increases strain in the eye muscles which adversely affects the eye health.
5 Easy yoga practices for energizing mind instantly:
1. Child's pose:

Child's pose/ Balasana is effective in promoting blood circulation in head region. It relaxes upper torso. It provides good massaging effect in the lower body. Child"s pose/ Balasana stretches upper body and flexes the lower body. The final posture has a very relaxing effect on the mind and body. Child's pose is a simple and effective forward bend.
Place your knees and toes on the mat.
Sit comfortably on your heels with the straight back.
Keep your toes and fingers stretched.
Maintain hip distance between your knees.
Inhale and stretch your hands up with fingers open.
Stretch your spine and neck upwards.
Slowly bend forward by slightly moving the thighs outwards.
Place the palms and forehead on the floor as you exhale.
Stay for a few breaths.
To release the posture:
Inhale and bring your back straight.
Stand on your knees and slowly rise up.
Increases blood circulation in the head region.
Minimizes stress.
Relieves tension in the muscles and nerves.
Promotes deepeer exhalation.
Nadi shuddhi pranayama:

Nadi shuddhi pranayama as the name signifies it cleanses and refreshes the nadis. Nadis are the pathways of energy flow in the body. Purifying the nadis/energy channels helps in improving the energy flow in the body and mind. It has significant effect in charging the mind. As per yogic principles, mind is combination of energy and vibrations. Nadi Shuddhi pranayama aids in soothing and charging the mind by improving the energy flow.
Nadi shuddhi pranayama is widely known as alternate nostril breathing technique. Traditionally, nadi shuddhi pranayama is practised in the early morning or evening in the empty stomach for a number of cycles. You can safely use this breathing technique for few repetitions whenever your mind feels little exhausted.
Sit comfortably with legs folded if possible,
Inhale in right nostril closing your left nostril with ring and little finger.
Exhale slowly in left nostril closing your right nostril with thumb finger.
Place the other hand on your thighs.
Inhale from the same left nostril after exhalation and exhale in the right nostril.
This forms one cycle.
Then, inhale from the right nostril to begin with tthe new cycle.
Repeat this for few repetitions.
Try Prolonged exhalation when compared to inhalation.
Removes toxins from the blood.
Enhances prana flow to the brain.
Checks overthinking.
Improves concentration.
3. Cold water splashes:

Splashing cold water on the face pacifies nerves in the brain and eyes. Taking a shower is even more fruitful. Frequent cold water splashes in between your mind work prevents development of stress in the nerves.
Take clean and cold water in a wide bowl. Of course in the manageable chillness.
Wash your eyes and try open your eyes inside the cold water.
Stay for few seconds and repeat.
Alternatively you can also use cucumber slices or cold pads too. But remember, dipping in cold water works best.
Refreshes mind.
Relieves stress in the eye muscles.
Prevents anxiety.
Cools down the nervous system.
4. Gazing at refreshing site:

Gazing at a visually pleasing sight other than the screen helps in relieving chaos in the mind. Every person is different in their interests and has different tastes. Someone may choose a flower or a natural scenery and some may feel pleasant on staring at the art work, sculptures even colours. The choice is yours just make sure that the sight has to be real and not on the screen. If you are a person with obsession of collecting a particular sort of things, you might have experienced this effect.
5. Neck rotation:

Neck rotation relieves physical strain developed in the nerves and muscles in the head and neck region. It eliminates stiffness in the neck and shoulders.
Sit with the straight back.
Place your palms on thighs.
Flex your neck up and down touching your chin on your throat. Repeat for few times.
Bend your neck sideways with ears touching the shoulders. Repeat for few times.
Bend your neck to the left, slowly go down and reach the right side. Now from right to left forming an arc in the front. Repeat for few times.
Similarly arc the neck at the back for few repetitions.
Now, slowly rotate your head clockwise for few rounds and anticlockwise for few rounds.
Relax for few breaths.
Promotes blood circulation to the brain.
Relieves stiffness in the neck.
Calms mind.
Relieves strain in the nerves.
Improves flexibility in the spine.